Warhammer 40,000/Kill-Team Ascension Campaign
Monthly Rules page links
- September: Month 1
- October: Month 2
- November: Month 3
- December: Final Month
To be a platform that will allow old and new players alike an entry point for getting into the game, starting a new army, or expand upon an existing army. The campaign will be story driven to allow for a fun and relaxing environment while still allowing a system for top placements.
We will also Wish to encourage the hobby side as well with local painters acting as judges.
$35 (Covers prize support and admin time)
Start Date:
Sign up starts Saturday August 3rd. First month starts Saturday August 31st.
This gives us time to determine prize support.
Players are welcome to jump in after the campaign has started.
The story will also be tied into a Kill Team Campaign as to allow for everyone’s forces to go further and get more out of their investment of fun!
Look for the story to come out in the coming weeks and each month a story packet along with a game packet for 40k and 40k Kill team will be released.
Campaign Support:
Throughout the Campaign:
The Main Rulebook to 40k , your chosen army’s codex and non-paint hobby supplies are 10% off throughout the campaign regardless of month.
10% off featured products of the Month.
August & September:
Before and during the first month, Featured products are
Start collecting boxes (This includes the “Build your own start collecting” Vault exclusive sets), Paints, HQ choices
Troop Choices.
Troops & Transports. The backbone to any army is it’s troops and its ability to get into the fight so stock up.
HQ, Elites & Fast. Back up those troops with some of hardier soldiers and/or Hit and runs with Fast units. Don’t forget another commander that you’ll need as your army grows.
Heavy support, Flyers & Lord of War. Time for the big guns. Reinforce your army with fast moving skirmishers, Artillery, Air support, or Giant Lords of war. Let the big guns mow down the enemy, and literally tank their small arms fire.
Where at:
The Vault: Gaming Lounge
When to Play:
You can come play any day and time The Vault is open.
One game of each system (40k and Kill-Team) will count towards your total each month. There will be a designated day of the month for one “big” day where you can find more games and participate in a unique event.
Point values
Month: 40k / Kill-Team
September: 500 / 100
October: 750 / 125
November: 1000 / 125
December: 1500 / 150
Determining Winners:
The campaign will be split between the game and hobby sides.
Hobby side:
Painted army:
At the start of each month you will gain 1 point if all your forces of the previous month are painted. This includes base coat (not just primer) and at least 3 colors. You don’t need to be an artist, just show that you are putting effort to keep it grey free.
— For the first month, just have your starting army painted.
Model of the Month:
Each player can submit a model each month and 1 will win model of the month and earn 2 pts. 2nd and 3rd place will get 1 pt.
Dying in style:
At the end of the campaign 3 pts will be awarded to the best painted army.
Painting judges:
Judges will be chosen local painter by The Vault and The Gaming Underground Miniatures group. They will take into account model painting style, full basing, and any extra details while remaining true to the unit.
Game side:
Give no Quarter:
players earn 1 pt for playing in a battle, win or lose
Victor goes the spoils:
Winner gets 2 pts
In war, no one truly wins:
Both players earn 1 pt if the players draw.
Prizes: ***
Hobby Side:
don’t be afraid to dive into all aspects of the hobby!
1st place: $30 Voucher towards hobby supplies (paints, brushes, paints, clippers, etc)
2nd & 3rd place: $10 Voucher towards hobby supplies (paints, brushes, paints, clippers, etc)
Game Side:
1st place: $90 Voucher towards new models.
2nd place: $45 Voucher towards new models.
3rd place: $35 Voucher towards new models.
EXTRA Prizes!
The player who has played the most games, and thus shows their support for the community will be given a $10 voucher no matter there placement otherwise. This is a thank you for supporting the campaign and being there when people want to get their monthly game in.
*** – Prizes will be finalized as entries are collected. Listed amounts are based on 10 players.